Journey So Far...
We have started our humble journey from a small scale research driven industry to provide cost-effective high quality gel solutions. At present, in last two decades, we havedeveloped > 100 different products, 05 different technologies and endless OEM items to provide comfort and care to community. We are committed to develop more unique and innovative solutions.

Global Technology Partners
Medigel product(s) are now available in multiple parts of the world with technology holder's base in Canada (SR Creations). Mass production engineering capacities are available to support global supply chains via new ventures / channel partners in different continents. Indo-Canadian Joint Ventured Group is available to provide Indian market access to new technologies from other parts of world as part of circular green economy initiative.

Multi-Technological Dimension
Transform from Gel based technology to comprehensive health care solution with specialization in Operation Theatre (Positioning Devices, Sterilization Systems), Pre-hospital Trauma Care and Post- Surgical Care solutions. Working towards Gel Fabrics/ Masks (Robotic Arms), Radioprotective Gel (X-ray, Gamma and Neutron Radiation) & Individual Protection etc.
Multi-product Industry
Established C3I Gel (Medigel) based multi-product industry including +30 OT Positioners; +24 Foot care; +20 cushioning & fitness; > 10 personal care and +20 other health care range products.

Market Driven R&D
Market driven R&D led to customization / development of > 200 OEM items / technologies for ~ 20 industries (22 Non-Disclosure Agreements), exporting to + 5 countries with successful acceptance of +85 products using innovative gel technology across India.
New Millennium Baby...
Started by Chemical Engineer & Plant Scientist to provide 'self-sticking' gel for putting your mobile phone on car dashboard. After 17500 trials of 285 stabilizers with 67 quality organic oils led to birth of 'Medigel - an innovative elastomeric gel with extreme cushioning'.

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